Happy Thanksgiving! While I enjoy the embrace of loved ones and all the wonderful turkey and trimmings on this holiday, I also want to put out there how thankful I personally am for all the doers that are doing good things in the world. I think this is an important opportunity to remember and celebrate
You’ve probably seen internet memes and t-shirts with YOLO–You Only Live Once–on them. Well, I am getting a t-shirt made that says LV24. When I wear it, I hope everyone who sees it asks me about it so I can tell them what it means. It means Live 24—live for today, be present, be mindful.
There may be no more important quality for business leaders to possess than embracing an era’s zeitgeist––literally, the “spirit of our time.” Wikipedia describes zeitgeist as the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time. For business leaders, it means keeping
Don’t be stubborn, learn to yield. Never think that you know everything, never imagine that your way of doing things is the only way. Consciously yielding to others can make your business grow. I have two important examples of yielding to share with you. One is an example of why it’s sometimes good to let
I feel a little weird about saying this, but I think in the end Whole Foods’ cultural transparency will lose out to Amazon’s cultural xenophobia. It has bothered me since the news about the buy out first broke that in a deal like this, the conscious capitalism of Whole Foods might be devoured by the
You might spend time thinking about your own net worth. It is how business people tend to judge their success. But how are you judging your self worth? Has your self worth built a “life worth” that can be recognized by everyone around you? Self worth is a necessary ingredient in “life worth.” As business
Your vibe creates your tribe. What I mean is that your vibe is what draws the people around you together. Think about your work associates and even your circle of friends––how do they fit together? How do they function together as a group? If you want to do good for mankind, then make sure your
One thing I have always struggled with is finding work-life balance. At the inevitable nexus of a full business life and a full personal family life, my hope is that the conditionality so often driven into us in the business world doesn’t creep into my relationships with friends and family. For all of us in
Hey, business leaders and CEOs! Are you ready for a wake up call? A recent survey by Burson-Marsteller, “Making it in America: The View from America,” says 61% of Americans don’t trust you. Hellloooo!? As innovators, we need to explore the reason for this. The American people want to trust business leaders, especially when it comes to
Do you trust your team members at work? Think about the Trust Factor in business and then, on a scale of 1-5, ask yourself how much you trust their decision making and cognitive or creative abilities. Being able to trust those that you work with can make or break not just one project, but all