Asking “what if” questions has led to some of the greatest business innovations in the world. Asking questions about how to solve global problems or societal issues is the first step to bringing resolve. Almost everything good “Doers” do in life has started with a question. Most of the doers I interact with are inquisitive,
Many “doers” seem to know instinctively what their own unique talent is. What’s yours? It’s important to understand your own unique talent and embrace it. It is important to recognize how incredible and awesome you are and use your unique talents each day. Let me explain… Recently I had the great fortune of having breakfast
Have you ever thought about the structure of a brick wall? If you think about it, bricks and mortar work together to get things done, to create a strong and sturdy wall or building. It may sound odd, but consider the bricks and mortar, their individual strengths and weaknesses. Many times I have to remind
Happy Thanksgiving! While I enjoy the embrace of loved ones and all the wonderful turkey and trimmings on this holiday, I also want to put out there how thankful I personally am for all the doers that are doing good things in the world. I think this is an important opportunity to remember and celebrate
You’ve probably seen internet memes and t-shirts with YOLO–You Only Live Once–on them. Well, I am getting a t-shirt made that says LV24. When I wear it, I hope everyone who sees it asks me about it so I can tell them what it means. It means Live 24—live for today, be present, be mindful.
There may be no more important quality for business leaders to possess than embracing an era’s zeitgeist––literally, the “spirit of our time.” Wikipedia describes zeitgeist as the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time. For business leaders, it means keeping
Don’t be stubborn, learn to yield. Never think that you know everything, never imagine that your way of doing things is the only way. Consciously yielding to others can make your business grow. I have two important examples of yielding to share with you. One is an example of why it’s sometimes good to let
I feel a little weird about saying this, but I think in the end Whole Foods’ cultural transparency will lose out to Amazon’s cultural xenophobia. It has bothered me since the news about the buy out first broke that in a deal like this, the conscious capitalism of Whole Foods might be devoured by the
You might spend time thinking about your own net worth. It is how business people tend to judge their success. But how are you judging your self worth? Has your self worth built a “life worth” that can be recognized by everyone around you? Self worth is a necessary ingredient in “life worth.” As business