In the last blog, we talked about how important it is to collaborate outside of your comfort zone. In this follow-up, I want to focus only on the comfort zone and challenge you to think about the idea that nothing big, revolutionary, audacious or bold ever happens in the comfort zone. What if the only
Today, I want you to move beyond your current circle of influencers. Find a new industry. Find new people. Start collaborating with people, companies or organizations way outside of your comfort zone. Most business models today want to go it alone because collaborations are not easy. But most business models are in fact collaborations, and most
In the previous blog in my A to Z series, “Be Yourself”, we talked about how important it is to simply be who you are—just your incredible self. I ended that blog with a quote I love: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest
Be yourself no matter what the circumstances. Believe in the fortitude of yourself first and always. Always be yourself in all situations. If you do this, your energy will be higher, people will listen with enthusiasm, and you can never be wrong. Yep, you can never be wrong. I learned this important lesson early in
Thursday’s blog, Aspire Higher, was the first in the A to Z series that I’ll be continuing for next several months. But I’ve had a follow-up thought I’d like to share with you. Chiefly, that attitude is an important component of a healthy, successful, and fulfilled life. A positive attitude is also everything when it
Aspire to greatness every day. Then, aspire higher. No matter where you are in life or how successful or extraordinary you already are, aspire higher. To Aspire to greatness right now, visualize receiving a lifetime achievement award. What do you want the award to say on it? Howard Schiffer, the Executive Director of Vitamin Angels,
Today I’m beginning a totally new blog series that will last for the next 26 weeks called “The A to Z of Business.” In this series, I’ll be taking you through what I believe are the most important things you should know, not just about business and entrepreneurship, but also about the importance of making
August 8th is Earth Overshoot Day. This is the day when humanity’s global demand for ecological resources and services for the year exceeds the planet’s ability to replenish its natural capital. Or to put it another way, it is comparable to living off of a credit card, except in this case we are living off of an
Because today is Earth Day and everything that has to do with making a difference in this world starts with you, I want to ask you a question… (And you know what my favorite question is, don’t you? Yep! “What if?!”) So, what if we change Earth Day to Aspire Day? [tweetthis]Today, be bigger, more
As I’m writing this, Earth Day 2016 is just around the corner – but I must admit that this year I’m seeing things from a somewhat different perspective. I’ve come to the conclusion that merely focusing on “pure” sustainability efforts is currently the wrong approach to preserving the planet. While it has been increasingly evident