I love the concept of photobombs. They are fun to do and fun to look at. My favorite is the young boy, with that beautiful young boy smile, that jumped in front of Queen Elizabeth.
So just like you can jump into someone else’s photo, I started thinking about the possibility of jumping into someone else’s energy. What if you could jump into someone else’s energy and shower them with positive energy? In essence, create a “positive-energybomb.”
Recently, dealing with a business that I advise, I had a situation where after I went through all of my tools, I didn’t have one that fit this particular situation. So I thought, why not try a “positive-energybomb”? The situation I am referring to seemed somewhat dire and I wasn’t sure how this start-up was going to survive. I did not have a ready solution, since it was an emotional and customer-based problem. It was such a negative situation that people in the office were ready to pack up and leave.
Ultimately, I did not feel they were out, so I decided to drop a “positive-energybomb.” I started in the office and “positive-energybombed” everyone I interfaced with. I gave “positive-energybomb” after “positive-energybomb”, focusing on all the things that they have done right. I showered the company and everyone there with positive energy and enthusiasm about all the good things they have done and all that they have accomplished.
This positive energy built and then fell because skeptics still made their case for reality. But over all, the positive energy people out-weighed the skeptics for a few days, but then like deflating a ballon, the energy would fall again. Then a few key leaders would build it back up again.
But the wave of positive energy got the team looking at alternative markets for their product and everyone began to work at recreating the company, which was fun. Again, energy would ebb and flow, but for the most part, everyone tried to stay in “positive-energybomb” mode.
And then, out of the clear blue, the CEO started “positive-energybombing” —and it really began to gather steam. The skeptics quieted down, and the positive energy buzz became stronger and stronger.
Net, it’s too early to tell if this “positvebomb” technique will prevail, but it bought them at least another year. And I am positive it will add another year after that and then another one. Maybe most importantly, key individuals will feel good about themselves when this company succeeds —or even if they have to move on.
I revisited the company a month after doing my “positive-energybombing.” It is almost unbelievable, but the very customer who almost caused the demise of the company had had a change of heart, and is now working with the company to rebuild it. In fact, the customer turned everything around and embraced the company.
Nobody saw that coming… Except everyone that positvebombed” this situation. They did see it happening and their collective energy obviously made the customer feel like this is the type of company they want to work with. So the “positive-energybomb” is now a tool in my arsenal for business and life fixes.
How could you use a “positive-energybomb” in your family or business? Here are the beginning steps of this new technique:
1. Pause and think about the most incredibly positive result to remedy the problem or issue you are looking at, and then write it down.
2. Now, say it out loud. Feel the vibration of the words, and say it again… “This company will be known worldwide as the company that changed this industry for the health of mankind.”
3. Say it under your breath whenever you are interacting with any of the team members involved in the situation… ”You/we will be the world leader.”
4. Confront the naysayers. Say, “I chose to take a positive view of the situation. It is all going to work out.”
5. Be specific and intentional to get into everyone’s energy, just like a photobomb, but with a “positive-energybomb.” Don’t hesitate to jump in! Yes, be intentional, with an intentional thought process such as, “Remember when we figured this or that out?”
6, When people are honest with you about being scared about losing their job, visualize throwing a loving, warm blanket over them. Tell them everything will be all right.
7. Most importantly, always maintain a smiling, high vibration. Focus on gratitude and all the goodness that your team has done and the goodness in everything around you.
Now, if you think about the “positive-energybomb,” and the 7 components that I used in this particular situation, and how the problem customer I mentioned above obviously gravitated to this positive energy… Why wouldn’t we do this everyday, not just when there is a problem?
So, who are you going to “positive-energybomb” today?
Rock On—