Do you sometimes feel like you are moving forward in your life blindly, without all the answers? Do you feel like everything around you is changing in real time? Are you adaptable and agile enough to make sure you stay relevant? Can you step out of your comfort zone, and make the changes you need
How do you deal with life’s challenges? When I am personally getting challenged by life’s experiences, either through friends or business, I like to take the time to reflect and recognize how incredible we all really are. In these times, I look for inspirational stories to remind me that there are many people who overcome
After reading an article about Whole Foods employees looking to unionize, I had to ask myself, is the Whole Foods we knew and loved gone? The ethos of Whole Foods (like all companies, organizations and groups–even your friends and family) is about its people, their beliefs and values. That is the essence of any culture.
I wrote a while back about the idea that Doers are the ones that ask questions—and never give up until they find the answers that lead to real solutions. It’s one of the things that separates Doers and makes them unique. So this week, I want you to consider the challenges of adding a digital