For most of my career I have been an advocate on behalf of causes that affect our health and well-being, ranging from the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides to growth hormones and antibiotics in milk to how the byproducts of the rendering industry impact the health of our pets. My newest mission in this
OK — let’s assume you’ve followed the advice and recommendations about reinventing yourself I offered in my last couple of blogs, and actually arrived at the point of mastering an entirely new field of endeavor. Where do you go from there? Hopefully, by this point you’ll have become a expert in your new discipline, or
Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in a rut, doing the same joyless job month after month and year after year? Like you’re stagnating professionally, trapped in an occupation or a position that no longer challenges or motivates you, yet afraid to rock the boat because of your dependency on the stable income the
I always love the period after Labor Day, which heralds the approach of the holiday season and reminds me to get seriously busy on whatever I’ve set my sights on accomplishing by the end of the year. This year, I am especially motivated, being once again in the process of reinventing and “rebranding” myself, and
This past Labor Day, I couldn’t help but reflect on what I’ve discovered while becoming acquainted with the ‘biotechnology belt’ just north of San Diego, home to a a cluster of approximately 500 companies that are now busy developing some unique innovations in health care, energy and food production. Since my introduction to some of
While on a recent flight from São Paulo, Brazil to Montevideo Uruguay, I found myself reflecting on how important sleep is to revitalizing your body. This was undoubtedly due to the very packed schedule I had been on that had caused my head to spin every night for two whole weeks, resulting in a profound
“The last mile is always the hardest,” goes an old adage. Well, that’s never been more true than where sustainability is concerned. In telecommunications, the “last mile” refers to the point where all of the infrastructure built by networks finally connects with the retail customer. (Examples offered by Wikipedia include copper wire subscriber lines, coaxial
Wanting to unwind a bit after a recent meeting, I joined a friend and a colleague for a little informal get-together. Over glasses of wine, the three of us spent some time discussing relationships, people and life in general — no business talk, no agendas, no drama, just pleasant, interesting conversation. The next day my
Had any “casual collisions” recently? I was fortunate enough to have experienced one not long ago. By “casual collision,” I don’t mean a parking-lot fender bender that you would hope to steer clear of. I’m rather referring to the kind of serendipitous encounter made famous by a couple of employees at Google headquarters who became