A couple of days ago I learned that a friend and former colleague of mine, Steve Jacobson, with whom I worked at Horizon Organic, had died of cancer. Whenever I hear of the passing of anyone I knew, I feel like that individual is sending me a reminder about how brief our time is on
Anyone who’s ever been on a schedule of wall-to-wall meetings knows how after a while it all becomes some kind of crazy blur – how at some point, they all start to run together in your mind, and how easy it can be to confuse the things discussed in one with the gist of another.
A recent commercial depicts a man in a variety of situations – extemporizing a handshake with a new boss, about to bet all his winnings at a gaming table, poised to take a good-night kiss to the next level — when a horn alerts him that he’s gone far enough. Then it shows him putting