In striving to create a waste-free world, it is important that we articulate not only our goals but the ways we plan to go about bringing them to fruition. I believe our objectives would be much better served in this regard with a simple word substitution. Rather than focusing on diversion rates as the way
After spending time at the Sustainable Packaging Forum 2012 and hearing some of the challenges involving recycling and the multiple approaches to it, from educating the public to spending billions on infrastructure, I couldn’t help but reflect back on a time when a ‘recycling mentality’ existed throughout America. Ask anyone who was around during the
Recently I met Farouk Banna of the World Bank, and we discussed the bank’s investments in the global waste business. What always strikes me is how the waste industry is all about collection and landfills. In fact, out of the $220 billion per year spent today, and even more importantly, the $375 billion anticipated annual